Universal Abilities
Universal abilities may be purchased with any suit of face card.
Face Value (Jack): When you use a Face card for a test you can either gain the normal benefits or you can use the Face card at its numerical value ( J=11, Q=12, K=13)
Trademark Card (Jack): Pick a specific face card, such as the Queen of Hearts or King of Spades. This card now counts as an automatic success when you use it for a skill ability you have specialized in.
Discard (Queen): You may discard 1 card each round. You may take this ability up to 3 times.
Expanded Hand (King): Your maximum hand size increases by 1. You may take this ability multiple times.
Card Shark (King): As a move action you may give a card to another player, who must then give a card to you as a reaction.
Ace in the Hole (Ace): When you are dealt an Ace you may place it “In the Hole” It does not count against your hand limit, but does count as being used for determining if you can draw a new hand. You may use your “Ace in the Hole” at any time.
Improved Camouflage (Jack): You gain a +2 on Stealth checks to camouflage an object or location. You may also camouflage yourself using mud and foliage, gaining a +2 on Stealth checks to Prowl outdoors.
Improved Prowling (Jack): You gain +2 to Stealth tests for Prowling.
Improved Shadowing (Jack): If there are more than 20 people visible to the target you may count any card played for a Stealth test to Shadow as a 7.
Improved Gymnastics (Jack): +2 to Acrobatics tests when jumping, falling or swinging.
Palming (Jack): You may conceal a small object on your person while being observed. You take a -5 on the Stealth test.
Sneak Attack (Jack): When you attack a character that is unaware of your presence they must play their Dodge card before you play your attack card.
Universal Abilities
Universal abilities may be purchased with any suit of face card.
Face Value (Jack): When you use a Face card for a test you can either gain the normal benefits or you can use the Face card at its numerical value ( J=11, Q=12, K=13)
Trademark Card (Jack): Pick a specific face card, such as the Queen of Hearts or King of Spades. This card now counts as an automatic success when you use it for a skill ability you have specialized in.
Discard (Queen): You may discard 1 card each round. You may take this ability up to 3 times.
Expanded Hand (King): Your maximum hand size increases by 1. You may take this ability multiple times.
Card Shark (King): As a move action you may give a card to another player, who must then give a card to you as a reaction.
Ace in the Hole (Ace): When you are dealt an Ace you may place it “In the Hole” It does not count against your hand limit, but does count as being used for determining if you can draw a new hand. You may use your “Ace in the Hole” at any time.
Improved Camouflage (Jack): You gain a +2 on Stealth checks to camouflage an object or location. You may also camouflage yourself using mud and foliage, gaining a +2 on Stealth checks to Prowl outdoors.
Improved Prowling (Jack): You gain +2 to Stealth tests for Prowling.
Improved Shadowing (Jack): If there are more than 20 people visible to the target you may count any card played for a Stealth test to Shadow as a 7.
Improved Gymnastics (Jack): +2 to Acrobatics tests when jumping, falling or swinging.
Palming (Jack): You may conceal a small object on your person while being observed. You take a -5 on the Stealth test.
Sneak Attack (Jack): When you attack a character that is unaware of your presence they must play their Dodge card before you play your attack card.
Dive for Cover (Queen): When you win a Dodge
test you may immediately move behind a piece of cover at close range.
Elusive (Queen): You gain a +2 bonus to Dodge checks every round that you move.
Elusive (Queen): You gain a +2 bonus to Dodge checks every round that you move.
Freerunning (Queen): With a successful
Acrobatics against a Professional Difficulty you ignore any low terrain while
Sniper (Queen): You are not automatically spotted when you are Prowling and make a ranged attack against a character at medium or long range. However, all characters do get a +5 to spot you at medium range and a +2 to spot you at long range.
Acrobatics Mastery (King): Any Kings you play on Acrobatics tests count as Aces.
Sniper (Queen): You are not automatically spotted when you are Prowling and make a ranged attack against a character at medium or long range. However, all characters do get a +5 to spot you at medium range and a +2 to spot you at long range.
Acrobatics Mastery (King): Any Kings you play on Acrobatics tests count as Aces.
Remain Conscious (King): When you are reduced to
0 health you may play a Face card to remain at 1.
Roll with the Punches (King): When you use a
face card to dodge a melee attack you take half damage from a successful
Stealth Mastery (King): When engaged in an opposed Stealth test, if your Stealth skill rating is 10 or more than your opponent's Perception rating his Ace plays count as Kings instead.
Survival Mastery (King): Any Kings you play on Survival tests count as Aces.
Stealth Mastery (King): When engaged in an opposed Stealth test, if your Stealth skill rating is 10 or more than your opponent's Perception rating his Ace plays count as Kings instead.
Survival Mastery (King): Any Kings you play on Survival tests count as Aces.
Advanced Melee Weapon Training (Jack): You may use medium and heavy melee
weapons without penalty.
Advanced Ranged Weapons Training (Jack): You may use medium ranged weapons without penalty
Advanced Ranged Weapons Training (Jack): You may use medium ranged weapons without penalty
Basic Martial Arts Training (Jack): You may do
half of any damage done with an unarmed attack as persistent damage.
Climber (Jack): +2 to Athletics test while
climbing. You win all ties on climbing tests.
Sprinter (Jack): +2 to Athletics tests while
running. You win all ties on Running tests.
Swimmer (Jack): +2 to Athletics checks while swimming. You win all ties on swimming tests.
Swimmer (Jack): +2 to Athletics checks while swimming. You win all ties on swimming tests.
Advanced Martial Arts Training (Queen): When you
make an unarmed attack you may split your test result into 2 separate attack
tests that must be defended against separately.
Heavy Ranged Weapons Training (Queen): You may use heavy ranged weapons without penalty.
Leaping Attack (Queen): You may make an Athletics test while moving towards an intended target of your melee attack. If the test is successful versus a static Intermediate difficulty you ignore any low terrain in front of the opponent and gain +2 damage on the attack.
Quick-draw (Queen): When you go first in a combat encounter you gain a +2 on your first attack.
Quick Reactions (Queen): When you are the victim of a surprise attack you and the attacker play your cards simultaneously.
Sucker Punch (Queen): You get +2 to damage against surprised foes.
Sweep the Leg (Queen): You may choose to sweep with a melee or unarmed attack. Treat this as a normal melee attack, except that in the case of a successful attack the target loses its next move action, but only takes half of the normal damage from the attack.
Heavy Ranged Weapons Training (Queen): You may use heavy ranged weapons without penalty.
Leaping Attack (Queen): You may make an Athletics test while moving towards an intended target of your melee attack. If the test is successful versus a static Intermediate difficulty you ignore any low terrain in front of the opponent and gain +2 damage on the attack.
Quick-draw (Queen): When you go first in a combat encounter you gain a +2 on your first attack.
Quick Reactions (Queen): When you are the victim of a surprise attack you and the attacker play your cards simultaneously.
Sucker Punch (Queen): You get +2 to damage against surprised foes.
Sweep the Leg (Queen): You may choose to sweep with a melee or unarmed attack. Treat this as a normal melee attack, except that in the case of a successful attack the target loses its next move action, but only takes half of the normal damage from the attack.
Knockout Punch (King): If you hit a surprised
foe with an unarmed attack you do double the amount of temporary damage.
Olympian (King): Any Kings you play on Athletics checks count as Aces.
Weapon Mastery (King): You choose a weapon type, such as unarmed, longsword, knives, bows or pistols. You gain a +2 to all attacks with the specified weapon type.
Olympian (King): Any Kings you play on Athletics checks count as Aces.
Weapon Mastery (King): You choose a weapon type, such as unarmed, longsword, knives, bows or pistols. You gain a +2 to all attacks with the specified weapon type.
Animal Magnetism (Jack): You gain a +2 to all
Presence tests with the opposite sex.
Demolitions (Jack): You may make a Lore test to
handle, place and time explosives.
First Aid (Jack): Target a friendly character
and make a Lore test as a standard action against a static difficulty of 10. If
you are successful you can remove 1 level of persistent damage from that
character. Characters may only benefit from this ability once per scene.
Jury-Rig (Jack): You may attempt to make a Lore
test to repair a vehicle or device as both your standard and move actions. The
difficulty of the test is increased by one category and the repairs only last
until the end of the scene.
Leader in the Field (Jack): Choose a Lore
Specialization you possess. Whenever you encounter another character with that
Specialization you get a +4 on your Presence test and a +2 on any Persuasion or
Deception tests related to the field.
Leadership (Queen): As a move action you can make a Presence test against Intermediate Difficulty. In the case of a success each ally that can see or hear you gets a +2 bonus to all tests.
MacGuyver (Queen): You may make a Lore test to complete a Mechanics test without the appropriate tools. The difficult the test is increased by one category, possibly more if your surroundings are particularly sparse.
Piercing Stare (Queen): Characters get a -2 on all Deception tests in your presence.
Leadership (Queen): As a move action you can make a Presence test against Intermediate Difficulty. In the case of a success each ally that can see or hear you gets a +2 bonus to all tests.
MacGuyver (Queen): You may make a Lore test to complete a Mechanics test without the appropriate tools. The difficult the test is increased by one category, possibly more if your surroundings are particularly sparse.
Piercing Stare (Queen): Characters get a -2 on all Deception tests in your presence.
Not What They Expected (King): You may make a
Presence test when you encounter a Hostile character.
Remain Conscious (King): When you are reduced to 0 health you make make a Willpower test against Expert Difficulty. If you succeed you remain at 1 health.
Shake it Off (King): As a move action, make a Willpower test against Expert Difficulty. In the case of a success remove half of all temporary damage. A character may use this ability only once per scene.
Artist (Jack): Choose a Creation specialization you possess. Whenever you encounter another character with that Specialization you get a +4 on your Presence test and a +2 on any Persuasion or Deception tests related to the field.
Remain Conscious (King): When you are reduced to 0 health you make make a Willpower test against Expert Difficulty. If you succeed you remain at 1 health.
Shake it Off (King): As a move action, make a Willpower test against Expert Difficulty. In the case of a success remove half of all temporary damage. A character may use this ability only once per scene.
Artist (Jack): Choose a Creation specialization you possess. Whenever you encounter another character with that Specialization you get a +4 on your Presence test and a +2 on any Persuasion or Deception tests related to the field.
Keen (Jack): You gain a +2 on all Perception
Nice Save (Jack): If you lose a Deception test
in a conversation you can immediately play a face card to ignore the result and
start a new test.
Salesman (Jack): You get a +2 to all persuasion
tests to buy or sell items and get a 10% discount on all items purchased and
get 10% more for items sold.
A Pleasure, I'm Sure (Queen): When you beat a
target in a Persuasion test their reaction towards you is increased by one
Danger Sense (Queen): Whenever you fail a Perception
test you can immediately play a face card to ignore the result and start a new
Feint (Queen): As a move action you can initiate
a Deception test against an opponent in combat. If you win the test that
opponent is considered surprised for your next attack.
Working Artist (Queen): You have made a living out of being an artist. You gain a sustainable income without the regular hours that most jobs require.
Working Artist (Queen): You have made a living out of being an artist. You gain a sustainable income without the regular hours that most jobs require.
Eyes in the Back of Your Head (King): When you are
surprised by an attack you still play your Dodge card after the defender
reveals the results of his attack.
Ice to an Eskimo (King): Any penalties you would take
from an extrodinarily difficult Persuasion test are halved.
Little White Lies (King): All cards you play in a Deception test against an opponent that is not Hostile count as a 7 or use their printed value if it is higher.
Master (King): You are a master of your craft. Any device you create grants a +2 on relevant tests.
Little White Lies (King): All cards you play in a Deception test against an opponent that is not Hostile count as a 7 or use their printed value if it is higher.
Master (King): You are a master of your craft. Any device you create grants a +2 on relevant tests.
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